Feel full of good energy with our delicious, fit and gluten-free breakfasts. Aromatic coffee, French croissants, omelettes, waffles, hummus are just some of our proposals for you. We invite you to the Patio Restaurant for a good start of the day.
For a good start of the day
- eggs in various ways: scrambled eggs, fried, soft, our Chef's original omelets, sweet and salty
- sets with smoked ham, cheese or vegetarian with homemade hummus and fresh vegetables
- fresh and crispy bread
- sweets: croissants, home-made cakes and delicious waffles
- aromatic coffee, refreshing tea and cold drinks
Gluten free breakfasts
Dla osób z nietolerancją glutenu i chorujących na celiakię - przygotowaliśmy również indywidualnie serwowane śniadania bezglutenowe. Restauracja Patio posiada centyfikat kuchni bezglutenowej, dlatego serwując bezglutenowe śniadania kierujemy się ogromną dbałością o bezpieczeństwo i jakość produktów.
For people intolerant to gluten and suffering from celiac disease - we have also prepared individually served gluten-free breakfasts. The Patio restaurant has a gluten-free cuisine, which is why when serving gluten-free breakfasts, we are guided by great care for the safety and quality of products.