- Rina Angelow-Rapita

Historical trams can be found in many cities of Europe. Not only, as one may assume, in the Portugal Lisbon. If you wish, you can take a stylish ride in the Saxon Naumburg, in the Majorcan Port de Soller, famous for orange production, and in… yes, yes, in our Wrocław! Heading for the capital of Lower Silesia any time soon? What about a little time travel? Oh, surely, you would fancy that!

The oldest tramway in Poland

Do you know that Wrocław has one of the oldest electric tram systems in Poland? The first one set out on the streets as many as 125 years ago – to put it more precisely, in July 1893. Yet, we should reach even further back in the past to get to the roots of the story. Before electricity came along, for more than 15 years, there had been horse-drawn trams in the old Breslau (the German name of Wrocław). They allowed an easy and direct access between the Zoo, Main Railway Station, Nadodrze Railway Station, the external Oławska Gate, the Krzyki District and Strzegomski Square. Charming as they were, they still failed to compete with the modern electric trams, back then taking the neighbouring Germany by storm. Up until the outbreak of the World War II, the tram network in Wrocław had been quite well developed already and its plan remains pretty much unchanged even today.

Post-war renovations and a wind of modernity

During the World War II, both the network and the trams themselves suffered quite a major blow. Scarcely 50% of the rolling stock could still serve the purpose, if renovated of course. The traction required modernisation, too. The restoration of the old glory which the Wrocław tramways had enjoyed previously lasted for nearly 40 years. Amongst the greatest investments to name here, there were: building the line to Leśnica in 1949 and starting the line along the Kazimierz Wielki Street in 1978. At that time, also traffic within the Old Market Square and in the Salt Square (Plac Solny) was suspended (yes, 40 years ago, the Market Square could be reached by tram J). Step by step, the network had been gradually modernised up until the flood in 1997. At the turn of the century, when an intensive city development was taking place, so all of a sudden, a wind of change blew again. A new life was breathed into the city, and so into the tramway network as well. And it changed the face of Wrocław forever. Modernity and investments on a large scale set the pace for the city’s further development. The old, historical vehicles had been changed for the modern, blue Skodas and elegant PESA trams. Yet, they didn’t make them fall into oblivion.

The historical “Gustaw" set out on the Wrocław streets

Dear Guests! If you’ve been dreaming of a time travel and would do anything in the world to get on board of a historical Konstal N tram from 1950, bearing a very charming name “Gustaw", do check the timetables of the Wrocław trams! Moving through time and space in the proudly old vehicles will surely let you feel the mystical atmosphere of the pre-war Wrocław, you’ll see… In the summer season, the rides take place every Saturday and Sunday, from midday until the very evening. Some of them are guided, so you’ll have the chance to find out something new about our beautiful city. The Wrocław historical tram line starts at the Opera stop by the Theatre Square (Plac Teatralny), separated from the Patio Hotel merely by a 10-minute walk across the picturesque Old Market Square. You can choose from amongst four routes, like for instance: to the Zoo, through the old Cathedral Island (Ostrów Tumski) and towards the Nadodrze Railway Station. The ticket prices start at 4 PLN for the reduced ticket and reach up to 16 PLN for the family ticket. You can purchase them directly on the tram.

Click here >>> for the timetable and map of the historical Wrocław trams.


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